Weber Model 1 - 3,000 psi Gauge (Overhead View)
Deadweight Gauges and Deadweight Testers make possible very accurate pressure measurements by balancing the force exerted by the unknown pressure on a known area with known masses.
In a Deadweight Gauge or Tester, the area is the piston, and the masses are the weights. The weights and pistons are calibrated in sets to give an accuracy of 0.05% of the calculated pressure.
The Deadweight Gauge concept:
The unknown pressure is admitted at the pressure connection, pushes down on the top of the oil, and in turn forces the piston and table upward. Pascal’s Law tells us that fluid pressure is equal and undiminished in all directions.
When the weights placed on the piston and table are floated and balanced, the unknown pressure connected to the Deadweight Gauge or Tester is then determined.
The Weber Deadweight Instrument
Your Weber Deadweight Gauge or Deadweight Tester comes to you calibrated and certified. Our transfer standard is traceable to NIST. Your Weber Instrument provides an accuracy of 0.05% of the calculated pressure.
Our tolerances are so precise that we provide our customers the capability of repair or refurbishment, without having to dispose of the entire instrument. Our piston and cylinder can be removed and replaced without having to exchange or rework any of the weights.
Weber Model 1 - 3,000 psi Gauge
The Baseplate. The foundation. Complete with leveling feet, our baseplate is machined from 5/8" thick solid aluminum plate. It's much less likely to warp or crack, hence improving your performance.
The brass weights stack on weight platforms. These weight platforms, or risers, elevate the weights above the baseplate so that the thickness of the baseplate is not compromised and the integrity of the foundation is maintained.
The Weber Piston and Cylinder. It is the heart of the instrument and what makes us so unique. Just use them once, and you will feel the difference. We take pride in our product, and it starts here. Danny Weber is the master at this craft, and with decades of experience fabricating these pistons, we have developed a superior quality that is nearly impossible to duplicate.
Weber Piston and Cylinder Assembly
Your Weber Deadweight instrument includes a 16 gauge steel cover to protect your instrument during transport.
Table Bubble Level shown on top of Weber Piston and Cylinder
Mounted on the base plate is a Table Bubble Level to ensure that your table is level and ready for accuracy. Simply unscrew the Table Bubble Level and place it on the piston table prior to testing.
Weber Deadweight various weights
Our Weights are EXACT. Like the rest of our parts, they are made to the strictest tolerances to provide you with the finest in precision. Due to this, our weights will provide their nominal readings for any of our instruments and can therefore be replaced without reworking the rest of the instrument.
Every new Weber Deadweight comes shipped in its own personal, foam-lined, heavy duty shipping container. Made from framed 2x4's and 3" screws, then lined with plywood, they are built to last. If properly maintained, it can be very valuable in protecting your Weber Deadweight Gauge or Deadweight Tester when transporting or shipping for service and re-calibration.
To place an order or for any questions, contact us at (918) 607-0676 or by email at